The Move Forward Program

This 12-month program will shape your workforce dynamic for years to come with 60 milestone deliverables. Along with addressing common industry deficiencies, its interactive nature will require concept practice between trainings and communication with management in our “follow-up actions”. We have learned that no application = no growth.

Our four P.A.C.E Modules will teach you and your team:
Purpose as a leader · Assessment Tools · Conflict Management · Engagement Tools

Take a sneak peek at our Program Modules below!


  • Communicate effectively
  • Identify & manage stress triggers
  • Self-awareness & people reading
  • Aligning actions with mission & values
  • DISC & driving forces assessment
  • Leadership style awareness
  • Culture enhancement
  • Time management
  • Conflict management and de-escalation
  • Learn how and when to adapt
  • Identify what motivates employees
  • Navigate intergenerational conflict
  • Attract, qualify and secure applicants
  • Staff engagement & team building
  • Upgrade customer service
  • Avoid feedback pitfalls

Did You Know...

The turnover rate for direct care staff in senior living communities can reach a high of 88%*

Managers have the greatest impact on employee engagement & performance and account for at least 70% of the variance in employee engagement scores across business units. Gallup’s study of employee engagement found that just 30% of U.S. workers are engaged, demonstrating a clear link between poor management and a nation of “checked-out” employees. Decreasing your community's turnover rate begins with the success of each day's work culture.

*Statistic published by Ziegler in 2018.

Ready to move your team forward with P.A.C.E?